Coffee Pick Of The Month: Tres Regiones!

Look. I cannot stress enough that RIGHT NOW I am not the person to say things like "the coffee's aroma is a blend of charismatic cinnamon  and ecstatic oats." Maybe sometime down the line when I feel more confident in my ability to detect hints of things in certain smells. What you're getting from me in this moment is a "hey this is either good or bad" type deal. But I feel we can all agree that sometimes, that's just the way to go.

What I will say is that Tres Regiones is amazing. The standard go to scent here will still wake you up in the morning craving a cup. That is what really matters, right?

A lot of people may not know this but Mexico is a pretty big exporter of coffee and is actually one of the top countries in the world that do so. According to data I totally didn't steal from Wikipedia itself, in 2022 alone, Mexico produced 181,706 TONS of coffee. So getting some of the local brands in the country is ALWAYS a huge bonus. This one in particular has been a repeat offender in my household as if I need to make a snap decision, it never fails. Oh, and it's Member's Mark which is the Sam's Club brand so here it is pretty cheap as well as delicious. 

It is a blend of three different regions (if you didn't catch that in the name) of Mexico. The regions are Oaxaca, Veracruz, and Chiapas. Chiapas is already known for being Mexico's largest region to export coffee as it produces about 30% or so already. That fact alone shows you that you're going to get the good stuff here. 

Typically, I drink about 20 oz of coffee every morning (a little less on weekends) when I get up. I've tried some not so good blends, average blends, and this one would fall in a fantastic blend. It comes in the already ground up state so you can just pop it into your filter and throw it in the coffee maker. I personally use the Keurig for this (I don't buy the pods though). It's not too strong or bitter if left unsweetened and I actually like it completely on it's own. Let's be honest though, a little caramel macchiato creamer never hurt anybody, right?

While I'm not sure where you can find this in the States, if you happen to come across it, it's worth the purchase. I wouldn't say that I am the best at deciphering what exactly makes a good coffee great and bad coffee yuck other than the feeling I get when I drink it. And for the first Coffee Pick Of The Month, I may have started with something hard to beat. That being said though, I will definitely recommend this to any and all coffee lovers as I think with the three regions, it's very versatile for all styles of tastes buds. Come to Mexico and enjoy a cup.

Coffee - Tres Regiones

Type - 100% Mexicano

Bitter Scale - Not so much that you'd scoff at it

Paired Sweetener - Caramel Macchiato Creamer

Recommended - Absolutely


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