How To Be Your Best Self - Coffee Talk

It's the end of the week! You've made it. WE'VE made it! You know, I usually feel bad being like "Yay" Friday because there are people who don't have the same enthusiasm for the weekend. Whether they have to work or whatever it may be. So what I say to that: Take your Friday how you want it. If Tuesday is that day for you, by golly then Happy Tuesday! Regardless of when your weekend begins or what day you use to recharge, let's do just that. 

There are a few things I want to talk about on the start of this little Inspirational series. What are they, you ask?

1. Self-Awareness

2. Self-Motivation

3. Self-Confidence

Notice how all the things listed contain one common word? Self. AKA "You." We're all a little guilty of SAYING we're aware of who we are, that we're motivated, and that we are ready to conquer the world! But when push comes to shove, what are we usually doing? Reading a blog about how to be all of those things in real life?

Hey, I get it! I've been there. Like...yesterday. I'm here to tell you that while we may not be 100% of these things, we can absolutely work to improve them every day/week/month/year. So let us begin with the first, shall we?

Self Awareness

What does it mean to be self-aware? Honestly, short and sweet, it means to know who you are. But not just to know, to know and accept. How do you react to difficult situations? What are your core values? What makes you laugh so hard you snort like a piglet? What gets you angry enough to yell obscenities from your rooftop? I feel like I may have just seen an ad for Inside Out 2 so these emotions are really coming into play here. You get it. Who the heck are you? Once you find this out and I mean truly discover yourself you will notice things sort of falling into the place. "No wonder why after listening to 12 hours of murder mystery podcasts I was so bummed out. I don't actually LIKE those. I was conforming. I actually really enjoy listening to facts about Seals."

This is what is like to be self-aware. You discover whole other sides to you that you never really new existed. A lot of my early twenties were spent thinking that I liked being out at bars and clubs with friends when really, I wanted to stay inside and watch Harry Potter or The Office for the umteenth time.  It wasn't until I started embracing that that things started changing for me. My love for coffee grew. My love for cozy grew. Heck, I feel I became a warmer person in general all because I finally found out who I was. It's like magic.

Self Motivation

GET UP. DO YOUR JOB. GO TO BED. Nah. That's not the self-motivation I am talking about. I mean, sure, it's absolutely a part of it but by no means should you think of life as you being a drill sergeant from a bad 80's movie. To be self-motivated is to  find what you like/want and do it/go for it. Taking that extra time to exercise. Using the last hour of the day to journal or reflect. Finding a way to get yourself pumped up to do the things YOU like. Want to crochet a giant lobster wearing a cool monocle? Why are you not doing this? Because you're tired? Well guess what, no one will get to experience the giant lobster wearing a monocle because you were a little sleepy. Not only did I accidentally just motivate myself to make a giant lobster wearing a monocle, but I feel like I made the point. We have to be honest with ourselves when we say "I don't have the time." Time is what we make it. A lot of us will spend HOURS on TikTok watching little babies make Chewbacca noises (seriously) than to work on the things we want. I'm not trying to tell you to get out there right now and start a multimillion dollar business and save the world. I'm just saying to make the dang lobster.

Self Confidence

Yes you can. You know you can. Even if you need a tutorial to make a lobster out of string, you can freaking do it. And it'll be the best thing you've ever done and you know why? Because you didn't think you actually could.

Self-confidence is strange because a ton of people appear this way but deep down are the exact opposite. Me, for example, talk so much about starting a website that is sort of out of my comfort zone and let everyone know "I'm going to CRUSH it." There's a major part of me you don't hear saying "It'll flop. It'll stink." But really, who cares? If I go in this with confidence and I know I am doing something to the absolute best of my ability, I can say that I tried and I tried hard. If I fail, I fail. If you fail, you TRIED. Be confident about that attempt because you never know what it'll lead to.

This doesn't just apply to writing or starting something but also to the way you present your ideas or how you have a conversation. We all have ideas or opinions and our very own thoughts. Why not present those like they mean something to us instead of being just words? BE confident because confidence in anyone is sexy. Now don't take this too far and turn it into arrogance or over-confidence because then it has the exact opposite effect. 

Final Thoughts

It's Friday. Get yourself a big ole mug and fill it with awesomeness. It's time to focus on you. You deserve it. And if this helped in any way, shape, or form, let me know. Or tell me something you WANT to do but haven't had the confidence to try. Leave a comment below and enjoy the heck out of that new lobster.


  1. Nice motivation. You say “kick” I’ll as “how high!?”

  2. TY for the motivation we need to keep grinding

    1. Absolutely! We all have to work on things. I need to be more confident myself. Going to improve this weekend!


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